
How it works via Facebook

My name is Sue Ching You, an artist from Taiwan, currently with RBS-Malihom Artist in Residence Program of Wawasan Open University. Everyone is welcome to join this Project via Facebook. From the past, I did this project via my blog (http://suechingyou.blogspot.com/), but I have found using Facebook gives a broader freedom for the participants and anyone can be the creator and administrator.

Via this Project, you will have an opportunity to create something by other’s requests, and you are free to choose any types of media/materials to create an artwork/gift. However, you will have no control of topics, others' responses and reactions, and whom the receivers and destinations will be. In combination of web 2.0, Internet, tangible art objects and delivery, this project aims to discover the unexpected: topics, responses, destinations, occupations, human interaction, motivation, etc.

6 easy steps to participate:
1. Join the group.
2. Get an idea or subject to create from your friend.
3. Complete your artwork/gift within one day or 1 week.
4. Give your work to your friend, and let your friend decide who to give.
5. Exhibit your work on Facebook by uploading the image or video of your finishing work.
6. Anyone is welcome to leave comments.